Explore meaningful connection with fellow women on their personal growth journeys in one of my women’s groups or workshops!

Check back often for new listings and information about upcoming events.

Heart-to-Heart Women’s Group

WHO & WHEN: Women in their 30s. Held every other Friday from 9:30am-11:00am. Next session beginning July 12, 2024.

FEES: $50 for intake + $50 per 1.5 hour group ($350 total to be paid in full prior to the start of group).

Let’s dive into the real deal of adulting—making new friends as an adult isn’t exactly a cakewalk. Whether you’ve recently relocated, your social circle has dispersed, or you're yearning for connections that dig deeper than surface-level chitchat or constant party scenes, it’s a bit of a challenge.

And let’s be honest, meeting new people who have done some inner work and are invested in their personal growth? That's like finding a rare gem. If you're nodding in agreement, looking for meaningful connections where everyone's on their own journey of self-discovery – you’re in the right spot.

  • Struggling with overfunctioning, people-pleasing tendencies, anxiety and overwhelm, or negative self-talk

  • Looking for accountability partners to support you on your journey towards self-acceptance, healthy boundaries and overall growth.

    …then this group is tailor-made for you!

  • Feeling lonely

  • Seeking like-minded female relationships

  • Craving deeper, more intimate connections

  • Wanting to learn more about your attachment patterns in relationships.

If you resonate with:

The goal of this group is to connect you with others on a similar path of seeking deeper relationships while nurturing a stronger sense of comfort and confidence in your own skin.

Together, we'll explore what it actually means to be your “authentic self” by leaving small talk at the door and delving into topics such as:

  • Building trust and connection

  • Values and identity exploration

  • Boundaries and people-pleasing

  • Attachment and relationships

  • Self-care and wellness practices

  • Building intentional community

Reset, Restore & Revive Group

A therapeutic accountability group for women’s mental health and wellness


In the fast-paced world we live in, it's easy to overlook the importance of self-care, especially when it comes to our mental health. Juggling work, family, and personal commitments can leave us feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and disconnected from ourselves and our bodies.

That’s why I’ve created Reset, Restore & Revive, a transformative accountability group designed to empower women to prioritize their mental well-being while addressing underlying lifestyle factors that can impact their mental health.

By the end of this group you will:

  • Learn how the 6 pillars of health: nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, social connection, and substance use influence your mood, energy levels, and overall mental well-being.

  • Delve into how nutrition and our relationship with food can enhance mental health.

  • Create a personalized movement plan to fit your lifestyle and preferences, incorporating movement into your routine.

  • Learn about effective sleep hygiene practices and relaxation techniques to achieve restful sleep.

  • Develop a positive mindset by learning mindfulness techniques and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) strategies.

  • Meet new people and form accountability partnerships, sharing therapeutic experiences with other women in a supportive environment.

Reset, Restore & Revive is for you if:

For those who carry so much and need a space to be held